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Why You Shouldn’t Play Pickleball on a Wet Court

August 30, 2023

Learning why you shouldn’t play pickleball on a wet court highlights what could go wrong on a drenched surface, potentially leading to negative consequences.

A rainy day can sour the plans of many picklers worldwide. Yet, some adamant players may scoff at the cloudy, drizzly sky and head to the court regardless of the wet weather. We’re here to tell you why you shouldn’t play pickleball on a wet court to prevent you from putting yourself and your gear in danger. 

Slipping and Sliding

The greatest concern one should have when playing pickleball on a wet court is slipping. Playing any sport in wet conditions increases the risk of slipping. But pickleball—which has a smaller court and demands quick pauses—increases the risk even more. Rain reduces traction, making the player more likely to lose their footing and fall. Fractures and muscular soreness are only two problems that might result from a slip.

Even the slightest rainfall could harm your well-being on the court, which is why many individuals advise against it. You can do your best to dry the court with a leaf blower or a court roller, although you’re better off waiting for sunny skies.

Lack of Vision
Rain can make playing pickleball daunting because you cannot hit what you cannot see. When visibility decreases due to clouds or darkness, players are less likely to make solid contact with the ball as it travels from one player to another, which may negatively impact the game and increase the risk of eye injuries. Eye protection isn’t mandatory for picklers, although it would be wise to protect yourself on the court even when it’s not raining. 

Wrecked Paddles 
Playing in the rain for an extended period might damage your pickleball paddle. Paddle manufacturers strongly advise against playing in the rain because the honeycomb core can rapidly deteriorate if exposed to water. A paddle could have permanent damage if too much water remains, so you’ll want to keep it dry to avoid spending more money on something you already have. 

Different Results 
Playing any sport in soaked conditions will alter how you play. Whether on a hard or a clay court, the rain will drastically alter how you play pickleball. The ball won’t spin as you’d expect, and you won’t reach the spot you’re aiming for because you lack the footing.
It’s common practice to wet clay courts immediately before a game begins to ensure that the playing surface is sufficiently damp to allow for appropriate player mobility. 
However, if it rains consistently, the clay field might become too slippery for the players to use, particularly if there are several puddles within the boundaries of the court. 
The risk of injury and irreversible damage to your equipment should be enough to show you why you shouldn’t play pickleball on a wet court. Even the best men’s pickleball sneakers will perform optimally when you keep them dry and away from slippery courts. Fromuth Pickleball has everything you need to play the game and feel good doing it with the sport’s biggest brands. Check out our store today! 

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