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Must-Know Health Benefits of Playing Pickleball

April 01, 2022

There are many must-know health benefits of playing pickleball. This article reveals these advantages, making a convincing argument to pick up the sport.

Exercising can be the worst, especially in the summertime. No one likes to sweat and breathe heavily. What if we told you that working out can be fun? This statement is true for pickleball. Sure, you’ll still sweat and breathe hard, but you’ll have a blast doing it! There are even some health advantages to partaking in the activity. Discover the must-know health benefits of playing pickleball if you need a little more convincing to pick up a paddle.

Improved Agility

Being flexible is more beneficial than you think. Your muscles will feel more limber, and you won’t feel as stiff. You can capture this feeling of agility by playing pickleball. Running up and down the court will stretch your muscles and contort your body into angles you never thought possible. You’ll have so much fun playing that you won’t even realize how much is going on under the surface.

AJ Koller Pickleball

Burn Calories and Lose Weight

Running around the court will improve your flexibility, but it can also help you lose weight. Jogging isn’t for everyone because it’s a very structured activity. On the other hand, pickleball is unpredictable. One minute you’ll be chasing a ball to the court’s edge, and the next, you’ll be close to the net. Since so much diverse movement is involved in the sport, you’re certain to burn calories.

Better Mental Health

Since playing pickleball is so much fun, it can even help improve your mental health. Pickleball is a very social activity. Most games are played in mixed doubles or gender doubles, so up to four people get in on the action at the same time. Grab your closest friends and enjoy some exercise and laughs on the pickleball court. After all, laughter is the best medicine! Also, colder temperatures are associated with feelings of depression and loneliness. Thankfully, things are heating up with summertime around the corner. These higher temperatures, along with playing pickleball, might help you shake off those seasonal blues. 

JOOLA Pickleball

Everyone should know about the health benefits of playing pickleball. If any of these ideas appeal to you, consider checking out the pickleball gear on our website to help you get started playing. We have women’s pickleball shoes, paddles, and attire to help you play the game. We’re dedicated to everything pickleball; looking at our products is the perfect first step to becoming an enthusiast.

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