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The Importance of Stretching After Playing Pickleball

April 18, 2023

Learning the importance of stretching after playing pickleball proves why before the match is not the only time you should have a thorough stretching session.

We all have it engrained in our minds that stretching before any athletic endeavor is critical to success. Our muscles are more vulnerable to injury when we don’t limber up. Even conducting basic stretches before engaging in a vigorous competition will put you in a better position to dominate the court. 

Most picklers enjoy swinging their paddle as they casually sidestep down the court to prepare their backhand and forehand. It’s equally as important to stretch the hamstrings and hip flexors with how vital quick movement is in the game.

Most people consider stretching a pregame activity only, disregarding its benefits for cooling down after several rousing rounds of pickleball. However, those players do a great disservice to their bodies by not learning the importance of stretching after playing pickleball. 

A Healthier Heart
The truth of the matter is people don’t stretch because they don’t like stretching. Extending yourself past your comfort level seems unnecessary if you feel you’re in perfect health. Yet, it’s only a matter of time before your perfect health diminishes because your heart cannot keep up. 
Pickleball gets your blood pumping and elevates your heart rate, leading to several positive health benefits. As great as that is, you must get your heart rate back to its normal level as quickly as possible when resting. A brief, relaxing stretching session should swiftly get you back to your resting heart rate. 

Lactic Acid & Reducing Muscle Tension
Lactic acid, a byproduct of exercise, leads to muscular soreness and stiffness. Stretching decreases lactic acid levels, resulting in less muscle tension. Ultimately, effective stretching reduces stress on muscles and joints to maintain a healthy range of motion and muscular tone. You’re less likely to get injured during or after playing pickleball. 

Helpful Stretches
Now that you know why you should incorporate stretching in your post-match routine, let us explain some useful exercises that keep you in peak condition. Generally, light exercise is all it takes to avoid muscular soreness and return your body to its normal state after exercise. 
Arm stretches: The classic pulling of your arm across your chest for 10-15 seconds still works like a charm, particularly for pickleball. 
Toe touch: Reaching down and touching your toes fires up many muscles in your body, keeping them from stiffening up and causing future problems. 
Overhead stretch: A deep inhale followed by lifting your arms to the sky has the same effect as a toe touch while being kinder to your body. 
A slow walk along the court: A calm walk around the perimeter allows you to control your breath and slow your heart, letting you regain your composure. 
The importance of stretching after playing pickleball is something you should take seriously if you want to become an avid pickler. Another way to take your game up a notch is to buy pickleball paddles from Fromuth Pickleball. You can get paddles, apparel, and other equipment the pros use, guaranteeing the best results—just remember to stretch after all your victories!

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