A newbie to the game should follow the 10 etiquette rules for the pickleball court because being on your best behavior doesn’t detract from the fun.
Pickleball’s popularity is on the rise and quickly becoming North America’s new favorite sport. Once emerging as a corky underground sport, it has now hit the mainstream with celebrity tournaments. But with this new craze comes new players who don’t yet understand how to behave appropriately. Follow these ten etiquette rules on the pickleball court to learn how to be a better team player and opponent.
1) Know the Basics
As previously mentioned, the game is growing fast and numerous beginners want to see what all the fuss is about. You should learn the game’s basic rules if you are also new to this sport.
Pickleball veterans don’t expect you to know the rulebook like the back of your hand, but you don’t want to bring the pace of play to a screeching halt because someone has to explain everything to you.
Reading over the official rulebook or having a friend walk you through it will also give you the confidence to be ready for play. Otherwise, you might hinder everyone’s good times if you keep asking for clarifications.
2) Respect the Ball
You should know a few things about respecting the ball and its owners. On a busy afternoon, there could be several games happening at once. During those contests, an errant shot can land on your side of the court. The player who hit the ball should call it out like a golfer yelling “fore” if this occurs.
Rather than keep that ball to yourself or swap one of your inferior balls for the better one, you should return it to the proper owner. Do your best to practice safe ball retrieval methods so you’re not a distraction to others playing around you. Smacking the ball 40 yards away from the intended recipient could only lead to more problems.
3) Share the Court
The majority of pickleball matches are informal games rather than tournaments. In this sense, the emphasis is on mingling and friendly rivalry rather than a serious strategy.
Even if you’re starting, you’ll soon learn to appreciate that everyone in the game enjoys inviting newcomers to participate in the fun. That’s why pickleball has caught on like wildfire.
But if we don’t get fair court time, the game’s popularity will suffer, and no tenderfeet will ever have a chance to play the game. In other words, court hogs have no place in this game. Make the most of your downtime by chatting with other picklers. Mingling with others might be the best way to find a future doubles partner.
4) Who’s Got Next?
Weekend mornings can be hectic at the local pickleball courts. You may have to call “next” if there aren’t enough courts open for all interested players.
You might have seen or done this tradition in a sports bar if you were waiting to play pool or nail a triple-20 on a dartboard. The most respected method for calling “next” in a pickleball game is paddle placement.
Typically, players place their paddles in the holder, then move the “next on court” signal to their paddles. It’s an easy thing to forget to do when this is your first time on the court. Nevertheless, this is the fairest and most understood approach to maintaining court order. You don’t want to cut in front of someone playing by the rules. Also, remember to put your name on your paddle so there aren’t any discrepancies.
5) Wait To Cross the Court
Once your paddle is next up on the court, you can make your way to your rightful spot. Meanwhile, be mindful of other games happening around you. A baseball player wouldn’t want someone to run before or behind the pitcher during their windup. Likewise, picklers don’t want you dashing across the court in the middle of an intense rally. Wait for the exchange to wrap up and get permission from those you could interrupt to shimmy to where you belong.
6) Take On Allcomers
Regardless if it’s your first time playing or you have played a thousand times before, there shouldn’t be any restrictions on who you play against. Don’t be afraid to compete with people of varying skill levels, even if you’re an expert in the game. Similarly, if you’re a newbie, you shouldn’t be afraid to approach a seasoned player to learn from them while playing. Never take advantage of an opponent’s physical weakness. Some sixty years ago, parents and small children created this game to cure boredom. It shouldn’t only be about winning.
7) R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Not taking advantage of those lacking in skill or physical ability is a big part of playing the game respectfully. You also shouldn’t use fancy maneuvers against a beginner if you’re an expert. Not only would it be pompous of you, but it could deter your opponent from ever playing the game again. As a veteran, you should keep the game light and fun for both of you. If the shoe is on the other foot and you are a beginner, you should thank your opponent for leveling the playing field. If they let you learn the ropes and take it easy on you in some fashion, it won’t discourage you from wanting to play again.
8) Celebrate With Modesty
As much as you might be bursting on the inside to earn a well-fought victory with an impeccable dink shot, celebrating like you’ve been there before is the best course of action. You don’t want to hoot and holler while yourself to be a walking pickleball deity. Doing so will be in bad taste. Keep the fist pumps inward, and keep your cool. Winning with grace is more admirable than being a showboat.
9) Honor Code
Pick-up basketball games have an honor code that allows players to call their fouls and take each other’s word for the benefit of the doubt. Pickleball has a similar honor system where players should call out faults accurately. You can always play out the rally to see what happens if something seems questionable because it might be a moot point. Sadly, recreational players don’t benefit from instant replay, so mistakes may happen. The only thing you can do is be respectful and forgiving if one occurs. It’s not a matter of life and death, so don’t flip your gourd because you’re arguing whether a ball was in or out.
10) Be Positive The final rule you should follow is the power of positivity. It takes someone with a positive mindset to adhere to the ten pickleball court etiquette rules you should follow. Someone selfish may try to nab balls or dash through people’s games, and someone who is cutthroat might hold no prisoners and play each game like it’s the only thing that matters. But being respectful, open-minded, forthcoming, and honest will guarantee a good time for all parties involved. You can get the freshest pickleball clothing from Fromuth Pickleball. Our online shop has everything an avid pickler could want, from apparel to equipment. We carry the most respected brands in the game that will look perfect on you, from Nike, Lotto, Fila, Thorlo, Lucky in Love, adidas, and more.